How to Stop Shanking

How to Stop Shanking

Below is a really good tip on how to stop shanking. A lot of golfers who hit the dreaded shank will cure it by just following these simple steps.

Too much in the heels at Set up

Many golfers can set up to the ball perfectly fine but just settle to much weight into their heels in the address position. As you make a golf swing your weight will naturally gravitate towards your toes during the golf swing resulting in you moving the swing arc/path further away from you at impact resulting in a shank.

Never Shank Again

You need to establish a good posture and weight distribution at the address first. So the below photo(s) are going to help you step by step obtain a good address position with the weight nicely balanced and room for your arms to swing freely past your legs.

Never Shank Again

Stand straight up with the club shaft pointing at your navel(above).

Never Shank Again

Then lean over from the pelvis until the clubhead just touches the ground, your legs will feel quite tight at this point (above).

Never Shank Again

Flex the knees ever so slightly to take that tightness feeling away (above).

Never Shank Again

A good way to feel that you are settling the weight into the correct parts of the feetĀ  is to make your normal set up position to the ball and then lift your heels up from off the ground (above). Softly settle the heels back down into the grass ensuring that you keep your weight on the balls of your feet (below).

Never Shank AgainPerfectly balanced set up with good posture and the weight set in the balls of the feet.

Mark Wood

PGA Advanced Professional
Worlds Leading Expert on Curing a Shank

The Best Golf Lessons in Sussex and Kent.

Tips on how to stop shanking

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