Archive for the ‘Putting Tips’ Category
PUTTING DRILL -Putt Down a Chalk Line
PUTTING DRILL -Putt Down a Chalk Line
Another practise putting drill used by many Tour Professionals worldwide is hitting putts down a chalk line. Find a nice straight flat putt of about 10 feet in length and by using a chalk line you can get a line going straight into the center of the hole.
Hit putts of various lengths 2 feet, 4 feet, and 6 feet and so on, concentrating of just rolling the ball straight down the chalk line.
It will also make you very aware of the shape of your putting stroke and if you have a tendency to swing the putter to the outside on the way back you can use the chalk line to correct this and you will soon learn to feel the correct path.
If you want more easy to understand and informative tips especially on hitting the ball further then “How to crush the ball 20 yards further” is available NOW in the kindle store to download.
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From Your Friends at Mark Wood Golf Academy
PS. Come down and tee it up to make some magic moments of your own. Check our website at
Mark Wood
PGA Advanced Professional
UK’s No1 Golf Coach
The Best Golf Lessons in Chichester West Sussex
Putting Drill #1
This is another drill that is used worldwide amongst the elite touring professionals and one of my favourites’. You need 18 tee pegs and at least 6 balls, I always recommend that you practise short game and putting with the balls that you play with on the course so you know exactly how that ball feels and reacts on certain shots etc.
- Start by placing the first ring of tee pegs 2 feet away from the hole going around in a clockwise fashion. Then place a ring of tee pegs 3 feet away in the same fashion followed by another ring of tee pegs 4 feet away from the hole (see picture above).
- Then place one ball by each tee peg 2 feet away from the hole.
- The drill then starts where you need to hole each ball from the first set of tee pegs before you move back to the 3ft set of tee pegs. Once you have holed from the 3ft set of tees move back to the 4ft set of tee pegs and hole all of the putts.
- Try and do this drill at least 3 times from all the pegs without missing any putts, if you miss then start over from the first set of pegs 2ft away.
Mark Wood
PGA Advanced Professional
UK’s No1 Golf Coach
The Best Golf Lessons in Sussex and Kent
Sink More Putts
My Best Putting Tip
I have been coaching golf for over 20 years and I have read, watched, listened and attended many golf coaching seminars with the world’s leading coaches and this is by far the best tip to get you holing more putts.
If you find yourself missing these putts, their is a good chance that you are moving your head and body around far to much as you make your putting stroke. If you do this you will also affect where you strike the putt on the putter face, this can lead to poor lag putting.
A good idea would be to focus on a specific area of the ball, the logo, a dimple or even a pen marking that you have put on your ball. Focus on this area when you are making your putting stroke and listen for the ball to drop into the hole.
Keeping your eyes still will also dramatically increase your chance of hitting the putts out of the center of the putter, this will alone improve your distance control.
From Your Friends at Mark Wood Golf Academy
PS. Come down and tee it up to make some magic moments of your own. Check our website at
Mark Wood
PGA Advanced Professional
UK’s No1 Golf Coach
The Best Golf Lessons in Sussex and Kent
Putt With Your Ears to Hole More Putts
Putt With Your Ears to Hole More Putts
When you and your golfing friends play together, you give each other far to many short putts. The normal agreement is if its within half a putter length then you can pick it up, its a gimme!! Gimmes might feel great, but the only problem with that is that when you get in a round of golf that really matters and you have to putt everything out, you’re probably scared to death.
That fearful feeling normally results in a early peek at the hole—an attempt to Go in! Please go in! It causes the eyes to twitch and the head to move, the shoulders to open—and now the putterface and path could be pointing anywhere. You’re lucky to hit the hole.
Here is what you need to do to hole more of those short little putts:
- Keep your eyes quiet and looking down
- Give the ball a nice, firm strike.
- The putt’s probably not going to break, so aim the face straight at the hole and make sure you see it hit the ball.
- If you get in a habit of staying down and listening for the ball to drop, you’ll be automatic on these little putts.
From Your Friends at Mark Wood Golf Academy
PS. Come down and tee it up to make some magic moments of your own. Check our website at
Mark Wood
PGA Advanced Professional
UK’s No1 Golf Coach
The Best Golf Lessons in Sussex and Kent
Putting Lesson – Putting Tips from Mark Wood
Great Advice To Improve Your Putting
Putting is a very crucial part of golf and there are also many ways to putt well. I am going to share with you the most common problems that golfers run into when they are putting badly.
1. Your Stance is too Narrow – Having a stance that is too narrow will cause your legs and body to move around too much during the putting stroke. This will cause your putter path to go off path affecting the quality of the putt.
The Fix – Widen your stance by a few inches and focus on keeping your knees rock solid through out the stroke. One tip is to get some balance pads (like I have here) and make some practise stokes whilst standing on them keeping your balance, you will soon know if your not keeping great balance. Its a great way for you to learn what good balance feels like.
2. Moving your head around during a putting stroke causes miss – hits. It is most certainly a fundamental that golfers forget especially on short putts as they are keen to peak too early at the hole. I really want you to commit to keeping your eyes quiet until the ball has long gone, I guarantee that you will be more consistent and will hole more putts!!
3. Decelerating the putter during the stroke will normally cause you to miss putts to the left of the hole. This can sometimes be traced back to a back stoke that is too long. If it is make the back stroke a touch shorter and make it a habit to accelerate the putter into the back of the ball.
Mark Wood
PGA Advanced Professional
UK’s No1 Golf Coach
Putting Tips – Helping you putt better.
The Best Golf Lessons in Sussex and Kent
Putting Tips – How some Blu Tack can improve your putting
Hit Your Putts from the Centre of the Putter Face
This is one of the best putting tips for great instant feedback for improving the quality and the centreness of strike and therefore your distance control and accuracy. If you hit a putt out of the toe end of the putter, the face will open on impact causing the ball to start to the right of your line and will come up short. If you hit it out of the heel it will close the face causing the ball to start left and also come up short. After a small amount of practise you will be finding the middle of the putter face time after time.
I hope you enjoyed the article, any comments or Questions then please leave a comment below..
Until next time I wish you all the golfing success
Mark Wood Golf Academy
Dale Hill hotel & golf club
East Sussex
Best Putting Tips from the UK’s No1 Golf Coach where it counts – Results!
Putting Tips – Putt around the Clock
Putt around the Clock
This is another drill that is used worldwide amongst the elite touring professionals and one of my favourites’. You need 18 tee pegs and at least 6 balls, I always recommend that you practise short game and putting with the balls that you play with on the course so you know exactly how that ball feels and reacts on certain shots etc.
- Start by placing the first ring of tee pegs 2 feet away from the hole going around in a clockwise fashion. Then place a ring of tee pegs 3 feet away in the same fashion followed by another ring of tee pegs 4 feet away from the hole (see picture above).
- Then place one ball by each tee peg 2 feet away from the hole.
- The drill then starts where you need to hole each ball from the first set of tee pegs before you move back to the 3ft set of tee pegs. Once you have holed from the 3ft set of tees move back to the 4ft set of tee pegs and hole all of the putts.
- Try and do this drill at least 3 times from all the pegs without missing any putts, if you miss then start over from the first set of pegs 2ft away.
I hope you enjoyed the article, any comments or Questions then please leave a comment below..
Until next time I wish you all the golfing success
Mark Wood Golf Academy
Dale Hill hotel & golf club
East Sussex
Best Putting Tips from the UK’s No1 Golf Coach where it counts – Results!
Putting Tips – Line up your Putts like the Pro’s
Line It Up!
This is one of the best putting tips used by the best players in the world.
Using the logo of the ball is a very effective way of helping you hole more putts. Far too many golfers faced with a short makable putt set over the putt thinking about the negatives of missing the putt. To often you hear them say ” I just new I was going to miss that”, as they curse with anger.
Why not just focus on the positives on holing the putts instead?.
Here’s a great putting tip used by many of the top Professionals worldwide, and it works! It did for Martin Kaymer at the Ryder Cup last Year…
So after reading the putt start using the logo of the ball, or better still putt a line on the ball with a Sharpie pen and line up the logo/line down the intended start line of your putt, for example a straight putt would have you line the logo into the centre of the hole. A left lip putt would have you line the logo up towards the left lip.
You will be amazed that just by doing this you will start to focus more on getting the putter face square to the logo and then to hit the logo so it rolls over end on end.
You will be making a lot more of those knee knocking putts than you thought possible and this will most certainly grow your confidence and success.
Remember to commit to doing this on every length of putt, even the 40 footers!!
I hope you enjoyed the article, any comments or Questions then please leave a comment below..
Until next time I wish you all the golfing success
Mark Wood Golf Academy
Dale Hill hotel & golf club
East Sussex
Best Putting Tips from the UK’s No1 Golf Coach where it counts – Results!
Putting Tips – Distance Control (The two tee peg drill)
One thing I am always asked as an instructor is how I can improve my distance control “I always leave my putts way short” is the common complaint. When you address the putt try hard to keep your hands, wrists and forearms relaxed as tension takes away the entire feel from the putter head. You need to be able to “feel the stroke” to really improve your distance control. With this drill place two tee pegs 18 inches apart and place two balls on each peg so you can see them more easily from long range distances. The idea is to then go to some various distances of say 18ft, 20ft, 25ft and so on and hit 3 putts from each location; the aim is to finish each ball between the two tee pegs.
I hope you enjoyed the article, any comments or Questions then please leave a comment below..
Until next time I wish you all the golfing success
Mark Wood Golf Academy
Dale Hill hotel & golf club
East Sussex
Best Putting Tips from the UK’s No1 Golf Coach where it counts – Results!
Tomi Putting Analysis
I had a client come to me for a putting lesson this week and he was getting really fed up because each week he had been out playing his partner from tee to green but once on the putting green it was a different story.
He was losing each week due to poor putting and as usual his playing partners were full of advice, “you’re aiming too far to the right with the putter head”, “you keeping looking up”, you’re decelerating”. The list went on!!
My client mainly missed putts to the right of the hole and hated short left to right putts.
So we used the Tomi Putting Analysis system that I use along with high speed video camera technology to find out just exactly what was going on during the putting stroke. The indoor putting green that we used was set up for a dead straight 8 foot putt.
Here are the pictures of my clients putting stroke before any changes were made.
The putter face was square to the line of putt as you can see from the numbers above, so that was not an issue.
The putter was returning to the ball at impact with a face pointing to the right of the target. In fact 4.6 and 3.4 degrees to the right of the hole and the path of the putter was 2.2 and 8.2 degrees to the right of the target line. Now we can see why he was missing his putts to the right; putter face open and path to the right = miss putts right
The putter head was opening up too much during the back stroke 10 and 9 degrees of rotation, which is a lot for an 8ft putt.
So after we viewed the Tomi Data and the high speed video analysis of his putting stroke we needed to change just one thing with my client and that was to reduce the amount that the putter face opened during the back stroke. Below are the results.
Putt head rotation reduced to just 4, 4, 4, 2, 2 opening in the back stroke.
Path of putter through impact improved to 1.2, 1.2, 1.0, -0.4, -0.4.
The putter head alignment at impact improved dramatically to just 0.6 open.
Now with the face of the putter opening just by 4, 4,4,2,2 degrees we had instantly improved his path of his putter during his putting stroke to and we also improved his putter face alignment at impact. This lead to twenty 8 foot putts holed in a row. All we did was to get him to weaken his left hand grip slightly by gripping it more in the palm and not in the fingers.
So next time you start missing a few putts, bear in mind what a session on the TOMI PUTT ANALYSIS software could do for you.
PS. My client played golf today and shot his best ever score of 76 and took just 31 putts instead of his average of 41..
I hope you enjoyed the article, any comments or Questions then please leave a comment below..
Until next time I wish you all the golfing success
Mark Wood Golf Academy
Dale Hill hotel & golf club
East Sussex